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Capstone is private pay and “out of network” for all insurance carriers. However, we our team will actively work to seek reimbursement on your behalf. Read more about insurance and financial arrangements HERE 

90-96 days. The program is structured based on admission date with a treatment plan for clients to fully complete the programming within that roughly 90-day window.  

Yes. Numerous clients come to Capstone each year with some sort of scholarship assistance. We often have some in-house scholarship funds available. And we work closely with an outside organization, Ashes to Glory Foundation, which can provide additional funds for families in need. 

Every young man who graduates from our program takes home a canine companion for life. We provide an AKC registered labrador retriever to every client who walks through our doors.

We implement an “eyes on 24/7” policy at Capstone where we ensure the appropriate staff ratios to make sure nobody slips through the cracks. Our client to therapist ratio is unmatched in the treatment industry and allows for a safe, consistent therapeutic experience for the client. 

Often the family “cord” has begun to unravel, prior to treatment. One of our goals is to set up the family to rebuild. In that rebuilding process, trust is paramount. For most of our graduates, they have destroyed all trust. There is a process of bringing the family back to a spot of “one accord”.

Capstone offer three months of weekly aftercare consultation calls, post-graduation. This is done by the primary therapist with the graduate and their family. The calls are to help with the transition from treatment to the next stage of recovery. Each graduate leaves with a “game plan”.  This dovetails with the family treatment plan, which is developed during family week. These are to aid in the rebuilding trust process. We sometimes compare this to when the parent was helping their young son learn to ride a bike. At first, the parents may have fixed a strong set of training wheels to the bike and had them adjusted so their son only had a little wiggle room. This allowed him to ride and build confidence. That describes the early part of this process. Then those little wheels were moved up. The son then learned to balance and not be in danger of a crash. As their skills increase, the training wheels were removed. At that stage, the parent often ran behind their son, holding the seat. In the end, the parent reaches that exciting and scary moment, when they have to let go! This game plan/ contract/ aftercare package provides the process leading to autonomy. Parents and their son get to experience freedom.

Capstone also offer a “family relapse prevention tune up” three to six months after of treatment. This is a two day experience to take inventory. All get to look at where they are in the process, what is working, and what adjustments need to be made to the plan. We like to think that all of this is about direction, not destination. This time allows each to check their direction, check their progress and then mark the next few steps of their “two year finish strong game plan”.

The next stage of aftercare is our “Capstone family reunion”, held once per year over a weekend. This is a workshop intensive and reconnecting weekend for the graduates and their parents.  The first one after graduation is free. It also allows families to be renewed, refocused and reminded of how far they have come, the struggles they have learned from, share in the ongoing recovery process. Families give the gift of their faith, hope and experience. The connections that are continued remind all that through this shared experience, they are truly not alone.

During the 2 year post graduation period, the Finishing Phase, one of the best resources for camaraderie, support, and a band-of-brothers is found in Capstone graduate families.